Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetes

Although all types of diabetes are serious, type 2 diabetes is progressive and develops over a period of time, unlike type 1.

People with diabetes are not able to produce enough insulin in their body. This deficiency results in high blood pressure, therefore sufferers must regularly monitor their glucose levels. Regular exercise is an extremely important factor to assist with the management of diabetes and enable sufferers to live a normal, and healthy life.

Regular exercise gives you an increased chance of maintaining a healthy body and mind, so we have put together a list of exercise guidelines specifically tailored for those living with type 2 diabetes.

Create a realistic routine for you
Everyone should aim to workout for at least 30 minutes per day, but for some people this may seem unachievable. You can begin by breaking up your workouts into 10-minute intervals across the day. A 30-minute training timeslot may look unfeasible in your busy lifestyle, but separating them into smaller timeframes will generate a realistic plan that you will be more likely to stick to.

Track your day
Did you know fitness trackers have been shown to increase physical activity by 27%! Get yourself a wrist tracker that records your daily activities and helps to monitor how many calories you have consumed. Fitness trackers assist with highlighting areas of your health that could be improved, whether that’s understanding how to space out your daily intake of food, or encouraging you to get those extra 50 steps in.

Set targets
Nothing will impulse your motivation like a goal, so plan a physical activity each day such as taking a gentle jog, walking 10,000 steps, or attending that new pilates class you always say you will! If you have a daily target to focus on, the final goal won’t seem so out of reach. It’s been shown that people who set exercise targets will workout more than those who don’t, and are more likely to lose weight, which can be beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes.

Grab a buddie
Despite our every intention to stick to a workout regime, it can be easy for that determination to slip. Working out with a friend or family member can help to keep you both on track, encourage you to push your limits and have fun at the same time! Remember exercise doesn’t have to be a dreaded activity in your day. Having a workout buddie is a great way to promote a positive exercise experience.

Reward yourself
Throw a dog a ball and they will retrieve it in exchange for a treat. Similarly to animals, we are programed to respond well to rewards. Instead of focusing on the negative things that can happen if you don’t stay active, treat yourself if you reach your weekly or monthly health goals. Try not to make these rewards food related, instead treat yourself to a movie ticket or splurge on those pair of shoes you’ve been wanting so much!

Stay organised
Sticking to any type of schedule will be difficult if you are disorganised, whether that’s with work, travel or exercise, so pack your gym bag the night before or keep some workout gear in your car. You are far more likely to attend your exercise class if your gym bag is waiting for you ready to go.

Remember to seek medical advice before starting any exercise program