Pre and Post Natal Reformer Pilates at Body Smart

Here are some things you need to know about the new Pre and Post Natal Reformer Pilates Program at Body Smart and the benefits of Reformer Pilates during this stage of your life.

What Is Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates is a specialised form of exercise devised by Clinical Exercise  Physiologists using spring loaded equipment to improve body control, strength and balance, with a focus on strengthening your core stability muscles that act as the support system for the spine and pelvis. You can read more about Reformer Pilates here.

What Is The Benefit of Pre and Post Natal Reformer Pilates

During pregnancy, a woman’s posture changes dramatically in response to the growing baby, which can cause discomfort and misalignment in different parts of her body. This may result in decreased energy levels, aches and pains, breathlessness and muscle tightness, however, with a specialised Reformer Pilates program, you can help alleviate the stress of pregnancy on your body. Are are some of the benefits of prenatal and postnatal Reformer Pilates:

  • It increases abdominal strength, providing support for the weight of the uterus and baby
  • Aids childbirth by making the pelvic floor muscles stronger
  • Increases stamina
  • Creates stronger, toned abdominal muscles that are less likely to separate severely
  • Promotes good posture and strong core strength, which help to control the amount of pelvic tilt. Excessive pelvic tilt can create posture problems and lower back pain;
  • Aids relaxation, improves sleep and increases energy levels
  • Improves circulation and helps to prevent varicose veins and leg cramps
  • Reduces general aches and pains by improving posture
  • Aids breathing in labour and reduces shortness of breath during pregnancy
  • Quickens postnatal recovery

Reformer Pilates During Pregnancy?

Reformer Pilates during pregnancy is a great way of ensuring optimal function of your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor requires specific attention during and after pregnancy, so exercises that target your postural muscles around the lower back and pelvis will help you carry the extra weight of pregnancy and ease any other pregnancy-related pain.

Our prenatal Reformer Pilates classes also help your body prepare for the very physical job of having a newborn baby to list, bathe, feed and push, as you build full body strength during each session.

With a thorough consultation process, a tailored Reformer Pilates program developed by an Exercise Physiologist, education about the pelvic floor muscles and a wide variety of exercises, our Prenatal Reformer Pilates program offers all of the support Mums-To-Be need throughout their pregnancy.

Is Reformer Pilates Safe During Pregnancy?
Yes! All of our Reformer Pilates classes are supervised and run by our team of Exercise Physiologists so you can be confident that the exercise is safe, evidence-based and specified to your personal needs. It is completely safe to do Reformer Pilates right up until the baby arrives, as each session is customised to how you are feeling and any pain or injury.

Reformer Pilates Post Pregnancy

Once your doctors and medical specialists have given you the green light (usually 6 weeks) and you are ready to get moving again, ease your way back into regular exercise safely with Reformer Pilates to start targeting the muscles most affected by pregnancy, especially the deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

In fact, postnatal Reformer Pilates is encouraged because it is a great way to train the pelvic floor muscles, retrain core muscles to improve back pain, get the body ready for more vigorous exercise, reduce the risk of rectus diastasis (abdominal separation) and give your body more energy, strength and movement in this next stage of life.

We have specialised classes Reformer Pilates classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and we encourage you to join us for an initial consult before your first class so we can help develop a program that is tailored to you, your needs and your abilities.