Lower back pain physiotherapy

What is Lower back Pain Physiotherapy?

In Australia Lower Back Pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions that Clients present to Physiotherapists with looking for help, answers and relief. Lower back pain can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, occupation or activity levels. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 1 in 6 (16%) of Australians are currently experiencing and living with Lower Back Pain, whether that be either Acute or Chronic in nature. READ MORE

How can i fix my plantar fascia pain?

Plantar Fasciitis is an overuse condition that causes pain under the foot and is a common complaint new clients ask our Body Smart Health practitioners about. So what exactly is the plantar fascia? Why does it become sore? And what can be done to fix the pain and ensure the pain doesn’t come back?


How to set better therapy goals for young people in the NDIS

For best practice care and optimal therapy that is individualised to your own specific needs, it is important to understand how to set therapy goals that are meaningful and measurable. Setting specific goals is a crucial part of the therapy process giving you something to work towards and something to build on.


Multiple Sclerosis and the Benefits of Physical Therapy

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) you would be more than aware of the physical and mental impact this disease can have on everyone involved. Rather than simply stating the facts that could be easily googled, the aim of this blog post is to delve into exactly how an individualised exercise program can improve the severity of MS symptoms and improve quality of life.


Osteoporosis: What exercise is best?

Exercise is important throughout our lives but as we age it becomes particularly important for our bones. Bones are living tissue, and just like our heart and muscles, our bones need to be exercised to strengthen them and help prevent decline. The two stages of decline in bone health and density are called osteopenia and osteoporosis.


Why real men do Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates is often considered at worst yoga for women or at best recovery and rehabilitation for injured sportsmen. However, more and more weight trainers and elite athletes are turning to this system to increase their core strength, muscle power and mobility.